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Posted: 10 17 2009 Post subject: megan hauserman sex tapes |
Why bring politics into this? I'm a liberal, and I don't fit that stereotype at all. |
michael douglas filmography :: megan fox sexy nude pics |
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Posted: 10 16 2009 Post subject: the secret to my success michael j fox |
Not to be pedantic but allergic to sperm or semen? They're not the same thing (especially after a vasectomy).
aren't you afraid your computer will get wet in the kitchen?
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Posted: 10 15 2009 Post subject: megan fox wallpaper |
“It's crazy that all it took was a catchy name : M.A.D. to pretty much save us all.
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Posted: 10 14 2009 Post subject: Online casinos free play |
@j035u5Because they now have much less succesful shows in preferential time-slots.Well that's not really a reason, is it? I was trying to point out precisely how senseless fox is.But I'll give you the explanation you seek (and this goes for all tv channels, but it's specially an issue in Fox because it's not been the first and certainly not the last epic show they've cancelled for no good reason (that they hadn'r provoked), and most of them even had great audiences:As I understand, every x amount of time fox execs are changed. This is mainly due to calm down the shareholders who want someone to be sacrificed when the network if not doing great on ratings (which is normally isn't).So every new exec get to approve new shows, right? some of them become their pet shows, the one's they're supposed to set them apart from the previous execs and help them maintain their position for longer. But then they have the problem that previous execs' pet shows are on the best time slots, and they can't just go and cancel their best audienced shows, that'd be carreer suicide...So what they do is move them around. It doesn't really matter too much to where, but their final destination is always friday nights. Where they lose ***** of viewers and that's how they get them cancelled. And put their own (more often crappy than not) pet shows on neutral time slots, and with time end up moving them to the best slots. But since they're not usually the GREATEST of shows, they don't do great compared to other networks, and alas, he is fired, a new exec is promoted and the cycle starts all over again. They couldn't care less not only about the viewers, but also about the actual wellbeing of the company. Shareholders don't undertand time slots, they don't get what show would make it. They don't make direct decisions. They hire someone who they think will do the best job possible. Arrested Develpment, I agree, may not have been super-mainstream, but they have a HUGE fanbase, die-hard and crazy loyal. I wouldn't know about all the advertisement, since I (like MANY others) found out about it when it was already cancelled. There is DEFINITELY a place for shows like that on TV (check battlestar galactica and similars). AD is not the best example, but other shows that WERE very mainstream also got cancelled. T:TSCC had lost viewers due to slacker writers, but it definitely started out good, and sure as hell ended up well. If it hadn't been cancelled I can bet you the 3rd season premiere would have beaten records.I could go on about other shows, but I'm sure many would do a better job. Firefly has also kind of niche, but could have definitely used the help of some promotion to younger audiences. The Serenity movie and DVD sales prove how succesful they could have been if they had been managed by less clueless and self-absorbed execs...Bah, whatever... broadcast tv is definitely not going to stay the same, and I predict as decisions are taken away from white-collar execs, and the industry stops being all about time slots, the number of quality shows will go up dramatically.Just wait and see.
This is so cool I want one but I would probably forget the secret knock!
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Posted: 10 12 2009 Post subject: megan fox wallpaper |
I doubt Big medicine is laughing at their massive amounts of new regulations.They have spent millions in lobbying against these bills, so of course they wouldn't be happy now that it has passedClothing and shelter aren't inherently necessary to live. Food is necessary and it is already provided - food stamps.But the pursuit of life means that every American has the opportunity to live and fight for their life during illness and injury. And this bill is not a hand out. It is not free to all. You still must pay, it is simply affordable health care for every American, so 44,000 people do not die in this country because of greed.Traitors? Glenn Beck has done a number on you.?
Oppenheimer cried for a reason when he saw what he had created for the first time. He knew what he had made would end the war, but he also realized the terrible price humanity would pay for it, and that the world would never be the same. |
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Posted: 10 11 2009 Post subject: fox news megan kelly |
the problem is american culture, its turned sour. far from the progressive democracy that came charging into the 20th century, the country now is filled with people who value belief over knowledge, and military power over economic prowess (which could be bolstered by letting in more immigrants just like we did the first time). the truth is they're nothing but a bunch of selfish, self-righteous, fat idiots who think its their god given right to be that way regardless of the consequences. the system deserves to fail and it will, because nobody cares anymore.

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Posted: 10 10 2009 Post subject: megan fox toe thumbs |
How long before big media starts going after independent artists claiming infringement or similarities between performances or artistic works? It's coming I think. It won't be long before the media industry goes out of their way to copyright and IP everything in existence and erase the public domain from history.
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Posted: 09 12 2009 Post subject: megan fox image gallery wallpaper |
I came here to make some stupid joke about how hard it is to keep my wifi working on my experimental space craft but I'm with you guys- this Dragon Age wrapping is ***** up. I'm normally annoyed by ads like this and largely ignore them. But the way this is ***** is implemented actually ***** up the layout. It's more than intrusive, it's disruptive to Digg itself.Edit:It also seems to be tied only to this story. I don't see it on any of the other comment pages.
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Posted: 09 09 2009 Post subject: megan fox wallpaper |
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I'm not paying anything. I have no kids. I saw this coming and did what was needed. Boycott the corporations. When it all crashes down the underground/black market will take over and we will have a real chance of liberty in our lifetimes. |
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