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megan fox full body pics -> transformers movie photos megan fox |
Posted: 10 17 2009 Post subject: megan fox naked best pictures |
The logic to it is that with our current healthcare system if you don't have insurance you cost other people money. You may complain about being FORCED to buy insurance, but if you forgo it then other people are FORCED to cover the cost of your care should something happen. How is that fair? I fall on the libertarian side of the fence. I don't thing the government should force people to do things that affect only themselves. However, I do feel that the government should prevent people from doing things that affect everyone else. With our current healthcare system, an individual who refuses to have insurance (and does not have deep pockets) is a burden on the rest of society. Given that, I have no problem with you being forced to pay for insurance as it means you are no longer a burden to others because of your decisions. |
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Posted: 10 16 2009 Post subject: megan fox topless scene |
Just like Germany.
Epic reply
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Posted: 10 15 2009 Post subject: megan fox full body pics |
“Where's Birdo?
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Posted: 10 14 2009 Post subject: Online casinos free play |
I don't see what the big deal is anyway. No one is stopping homosexuals anywhere from living together and referring to themselves as married. The law will catch up eventually, but there are no huge benefits to the piece of paper when marriage is more about a commitment between two people. Depending on their situation they might pay slightly less in taxes, or more..
Bread and beer share yeast as a common ingredient. If you like beer, you should try bread at your next party.!
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Posted: 10 12 2009 Post subject: megan fox full body pics |
Every man is born with a Kush Support. Don't waste your money, we're happy to help!?
Ironically my current phone died yesterday night. I'm with sprint (still have over a year left on my contract) and am interested in getting an android phone. Does the HTC Hero (isn't that what it is called?) or samsung motion (or whatever it is called) support upgrading to android 2.0 or are they stuck at 1.6?I know, noob question but a legit one. |
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Posted: 10 11 2009 Post subject: mel gibson biography |
It takes me 45 minutes to go 3 miles on San Francisco's Muni on a tram line that's mostly underground.It then takes me 37 minutes to go 24 miles on Caltrain.FAIL.

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Posted: 10 10 2009 Post subject: life stories of mel gibson |
In addition to that chrono, 40 hour work weeks are the product of working "sunup to sundown", farmer's hours. Since computers do a large amount of work that people used to have to do by hand, it's not feasible to ask people to come in and sit around all day pretending to work.If more jobs were set at salary pay, and companies provided a bit more flexibility in hours and scheduling, and use deadlines as a means to get projects completed--then you would see a much better workplace. If projects don't get done on time, then the company can hire employees that know how to work and not screw around.I have somewhat flexible time at work (but because I often times work many more hours than just 8 per day) ; but it gives me more productivity. It makes me happier, enjoy my job more. I'm not beholden to come in for 12 hours, then 10 hours, then spend 8 hours on a Friday at work. I can maybe spend 5 or 6 on Friday because I worked an extra 6 hours the few days before that.
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Posted: 09 12 2009 Post subject: michael douglas actor |
Reminds me of a joke:A bear hibernating near Boise, ID wakes up to find that he's lost all of his fur, which he finds unsettling. Since he's been asleep for months, he's also extremely thirsty. He decides he needs a drink to regain his composure, so he shambles into town to get a drink at a local bar.He goes up to the bar and tells the bartender "Give me a beer!"The bartender looks at him and says "Sorry, we don't serve beer to bare bears in bars in Boise."That makes the bear angry but he tries again and says "Well then, give me a brandy!"The bartender looks at him and says "Sorry, we don't serve brandy to bare bears in bars in Boise."The bear is now infuriated. He tells the bartender "Give me a bourbon, or I'm going to go kill the waitress at the end of the bar!"The bartender looks at him and says "Sorry, we don't serve bourbon to bare bears in bars in Boise."So the bear runs down to the end of the bar, kills the waitress and eats her. He looks at the bartender and says "O.K. pal, give me something to drink--anything--or you're next!"The bartender looks at him and says "Sorry, we don't serve drug users."The bear looks puzzled and asks "Drug users? I'm a bear, not a drug user!"The bartender says "That was a bar bitch you ate."/snare drum rollThanks, I'll be here all week.
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Posted: 09 09 2009 Post subject: megan fox full body pics |
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Oh, f u Digg, seriously. I posted the story a day ago and no one gave a *****. http://digg.com/apple/iRickRoll_virus_hits_iPhonesI felt a compulsion to digg it after I woke up, looked at my phone and saw Rick Astley's face staring at me. Never thought that would happen... again. |
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