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megan hauserman myspace profile
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Posted: 10 17 2009 Post subject: obituary melanie brown batesville arkansas |
What I'm about to say will seem controversial in nature, but it's a truth I've discussed with friends on both sides of the fence:College money is easier to come by today in the forms of grants and scholarships if you're a woman or a minority. The young, white, male has it harder when it comes to getting these types of opportunities (not to say young, white, male opportunities elsewhere, although those are dropping). I see scholarships for female engineering/business/IT/medical degrees. I see scholarships for African Americans, Chinese Americans, etc. I don't see a single scholarship for White Males simply because it'd be deemed racist or unethical.If the world is about equality why not remove these restrictions on scholarships/grants? Why not allow ALL students the ability to have college paid for and not have to take out buttloads of Sallie Mae's money? |
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Posted: 10 16 2009 Post subject: megan hauserman naked pictures |
Its a shame, only 1 republican knew what he was doing.
Defense lawyers will be using the classic Pedobear defense.
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Posted: 10 15 2009 Post subject: megan hauserman myspace profile |
“FIRE BAD!!--Phil Hartman
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Posted: 10 14 2009 Post subject: Online casinos free play |
"but there are no huge benefits to the piece of paper"Except, you know, the tax benefits, the ability to visit one's lover in a hospital, last wills and testaments, et cetera, et cetera..
Unfortunately the propaganda is so thick with the Wrong Wing BS and the MSM only spewing what gets them the best ratings - true or not, many believe all the pap and don't bother to research beyond what they are told by their wrong wing talking heads and fantasy writers.The concept of medicine withpout insurance companies is lost on themFor some reason everybody STILL does not understand that the inherent definition of Insurance is that there is a perpetual middle man between them and their health care but they cannot wrap their head around that the idea of a middle man is in itself corrupt and far from cost effective (hence the most expensive health care costs in the world with 47 million uninsured, 60% of the nation under-insured and everyone mistaking their claims adjustor for their medical provider)If they bothered with understanding the definition of single payer it is NO INSURANCE, no control. It is you and your doctor with the bills paid by the government as an accounting manager.!
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Posted: 10 12 2009 Post subject: megan hauserman myspace profile |
White people on blacks: "They're too lazy to get jobs!"White people on hispanics: "They're taking our jobs!"Just can't win...?
No, that barrier applies to the speed of information basically. No information or energy is traveling faster than the speed of light so superluminal phenomena are still allowed in some sense, for example the group velocity in wave phenomena can move faster than the speed of light, but superluminal motion is not violating causality in any of these cases. |
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Posted: 10 11 2009 Post subject: mena suvari getting short haircut |
People are still going on about him?

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Posted: 10 10 2009 Post subject: erotic videos of megan fox |
What IS happening right now in Germany? Curious.
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Posted: 09 12 2009 Post subject: behold the astonishing astonishing meryl streep |
This is such *****. People are easily able to distinguish between extremists and normal people peacefully practicing a religion. If anyone should be afraid, what about military people with leaders who can't smoke out a guy openly doing everything but writing out a huge banner saying "I'm going to kill you all" operating for years as an officer?Muslims have nothing to worry about. The PC ***** continuing means the rest of us do.
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Posted: 09 09 2009 Post subject: megan hauserman myspace profile |
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No! It was Chicken and Cow! |
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