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Posted: 10 17 2009 Post subject: sexy megan fox gallery |
They have a chicken big mac in india? lucky bastards. |
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Posted: 10 16 2009 Post subject: videos of megan fox naked |
we don't want a hand that feeds us. we do not need a hand that feeds us.
I'm also one of those people that enjoys over-thinking fictional movie plots to the point of ruining my ability to suspend my disbelief!
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Posted: 10 15 2009 Post subject: megan hauserman sex |
“It was the best thing the Nuggets could have done, getting rid of him. No way they could have succeeded with both him and Carmelo wanting 45 shots a game.
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Posted: 10 14 2009 Post subject: Online casinos free play |
When the chips are down, they will be eaten!.
We...are douchebags....WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!...*sobs*!
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Posted: 10 12 2009 Post subject: megan hauserman sex |
Sponsored by Sony Pictures?
Sponsored by Dragon Age: Origins |
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Posted: 10 11 2009 Post subject: sexy pics of megan fox |
dugg for refreshing honesty (and the hot girl)

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Posted: 10 10 2009 Post subject: michael douglas movies |
Where is the Hungry Jacks (Burger King) "Aussie Burger" with beetroot?
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Posted: 09 12 2009 Post subject: mel gibson agent |
Idon't seewhat the big dealis.It'snot allthat badas long as everybodytypes like this.
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Posted: 09 09 2009 Post subject: megan hauserman sex |
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Here is a model that any lay person can understand that illustrates the hazards and ways to protect the stream of technology that ultimately converges into a product that is used.Think of food. It is a good analogy. It is timely - the US has had serious problems with food safety in the past several years. Ironically enough, as we faced problems with bacteria/virus tainted food from suppliers and distributors - we faced the directly parallel problem of Trojan/worm/virus tainted software and data files from the food delivery pipelines' equivalent over in the world of computers/networks/media/devices.There is another way the analogy fits. In food safety, proper production & handling prevents tainting the item or an ingredient with some contaminant. In food safety, cooking or treating something that has or may have certain types of contaminant - perhaps by cleaning/scrubbing/rinsing it - may make it safe again. At least temporarily, that is. After a given amount of time, it may need treatment again. It certainly will if it is recontaminated too.Every human being understands food and sickness. Well, at least the ones old enough to use a computer or make decisions about computers.Growers in Mexico, for example, were found to be irrigating jalepeno peppers on a farm by using waste-contaimnated water. That is a production flaw.In the US, vegatable farms in the Salinas Valley were getting a bad reputation because the valley was repeatedly noted to be the source of a deadly e.coli bacteria strain. The cause, hopefully the only one, was found after years of outbreaks & investigations, to be a cow pasture on a hill above the farms in the valley. That is a production problem.There was an outbreak of salmonella across the US. A peanut distributor in the US was found to have salmonella tainted peanuts. They had holes on their roof, birds overhead, insects inside, and their product had tested positive by independent tasters before it had shipped. That is contamination in the distribution channel.If you bring a raw chicken or other meat home, it may have any of several types of bacteria on it. Using proper food handling - cleaning hands, surfaces beforehand, perhaps during, and also certainly after - you keep the preparation area safe and prevent creating or reintroducing contamination. By cooking the product you remove or at least neutralize contamination that quite possibly was there in or on the meat to begin with.If you do something like use the knife you cut a whole chicken up some before cooking as a carving knife afterwards, without a thorough cleaning before carving - then you are reintroducing some or all of what contamination you got rid of by though cooking and careful food-handling.You went through a lot of efforts perhaps, but then you undid them all in the end - right before you and your guests put the food in your mouths.When I prepare food, I have a pretty good way of deciding what I can set down where, what I can use without cleaning/re-cleaning, and when I need to wash my hands.At the outset, I imagine what things are possibly contaminated: the meat and my hands, generally. I visualize it in my mind's eye as tainted with a removable paint or dye. I wash my hands and take care where I set the raw meat down.Now, I visualize my hands as clean and where ever the meat lies as tainted. The meat is still tainted. i cut it, and the knife I use is now tainted and mentally, I visualize it that way. I place it in the pot or pan, and visualize my hands or the untensil I used as now tainted. So, I clean them off - whichever I used.Now, I cook the meat. When it is done cooking, I remove it with something that is not contaminated - something I do not mentally visualize as having the imaginary dye tainting it. I serve it with non-tainted utensils and then I or we eat it with non-tainted utensils.This is exactly the way that computers/components/software/networks/equipment and storage/communications media should be treated but it is really, really clear they are not much of the time. We all need to visualize the invisible "taint" that appears and is removed, perhaps over and over, as it moves through our suppliers, organization/household, and is used. We know how important this is with food and as many cooks in many households & restaurants can attest, it is important and possible to do. Many unlucky diners and their doctors can tell you what happens when you do not do proper food preparation & cooking, or a supplier messes up badly. So every household and thus every business has someone in it that can understand safe computing with a little extra coaching.Perhaps the only ones who will have a lot of trouble are those who never cooked raw meats before. Be aware of that and take extra time to explain things to them because they might not be able to visualize things the way a good, safe cook can. Maybe they will get it when you explain the imaginary dye analogy to them. |
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