I remember hearing that those so called alien abductons that people have described were not aliens, or alien abductions at all, but just something known as sleep paralysis. Basically you go to sleep, and you go into the second sleep stage of REM, while in that stage you actually wake up, but you cannot move a muscle since you are still in the second sleep stage of REM. You begin to feel weird, you start having hallucinations, you see big eyed, blurry, weird looking creatures, like the alien martians people have described, not aliens at all, but a hallucination. When you are born you see big eyed blurry people, that look like what people now know as aliens. That is why you see these weird looking beings while you are in sleep paralysis. Other things that happen are you start having more hallucinations of weird creatures in your room, and your brain sends signals to the rest of your body, one being sexual arousal, which is why people say that the aliens gave them anal probes, or did sexual things to them. You feel a deep pressure on your chest, just more signals from your brain. Cultures all over the world have enterpited these hallucinations as rape demons, that sit on your chest and rape you, monsters, ghosts, and alien abductions. I am not making any of this up, google it yourself.
