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meryl streep wrestling -> critics reviews michael j fox book |
Posted: 10 17 2009 Post subject: meryl streep is overrated |
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melanie browns :: meryl streep comedy |
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Posted: 10 16 2009 Post subject: sexy pics of megan fox |
I also picked up a Droid today and here is my take: The key size doesn't bother me as much as the D-pad taking up so much room making me have to either hold it in what seems to be an unnatural position or with a bit of strain having to reach to hit mid-keyboard keys. Then again my hands aren't exactly large. The phone did freeze up on me when playing around with the nav and after giving it some time I pulled the battery out =S. Automatic brightness was annoying until I turned it off; dimming at the wrong times and brightening up when I needed it least. Though even when I keep the screen on dim settings to avoid battery drain, the "wow" factor doesn't seem to go away because of how sharp everything looks. Other than that I am very, very satisfied with the phone. Speedy browsing , very responsive keyboard, and what blew me away is playing HD videos on youtube with no load time. Apps open and close without a stutter and look great on the very sharp display. Video camera lived up to the hype put out by reviewers. It did seem to take a while to focus while taking pictures but I rarely need to take multiple shots (unlike many people) so it doesn't affect me to much.
"I was naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you took care of me. I was in prison, and you visited me.'" Matthew 25:36As an atheist maybe I am reading that wrong, but Jesus seemed pretty clear on his whole take care of the less fortunate thing.
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Posted: 10 15 2009 Post subject: meryl streep wrestling |
“I really do enjoy my rooted G1, Android is a soild OS that will only continue to get better. I will admit though, the HTC HD2 loooks mighty fine, and it's coming to Tmobile.
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Posted: 10 14 2009 Post subject: Online casinos free play |
Abiogenesis FTW.
I really don't want to say this. But this is the result of glorifying War. War, as was once said, is the most brutal of all hells. It is inhuman. It ruins you as a human being. Even the wars hardest fought men have their quiet moments where their battles come back to live with them in their heads once more.If you look at the American picture of war it's GIJoe. It's Call of Duty. It's Modern Warfare. It's Halo. It's Hero's kicking the bad guys ass. Whoever that is. It's "America, ***** Yeah" -- It's all that nonsense that people push behind it. Inbuing War with that which it does not have. There is no REAL glory in war. There is no REAL winner. There are only the living and the dead. Putting all this emphasis on being the good guys and they the bad, whomever they are this day. To say that our way is the only way. That only we know the way. That inspires people. It inspires them in the wrong way. It tells people to go to that recruiting office. Sign up. You'll be a Hero. And people who do that, they DO become heroes. That's the mentality we have adopted. That the second you put on that uniform, you're another person. You're one of the good guys.But what happens to the bad guys? Who are they? Don't they have families? Don't their kids cry when their parents go off to fight? What happens when a 1000 pound bomb kills several members of someones family? When Dad or Mom doesn't come home that night? That's when the cold, harsh reality of War sinks in. The realization to the F16 pilot. To that A10 pilot. To those infantry men. To those Abrahms tank platoons. When it dawns on them in the silence of the night. We're all the same. No matter the skin color, religion, creed, we're all human. We all have families. And War effects us all equally. I think that's what gets people in the end. The stress. The fighting... the constant struggle to keep your humanity. I think PTST is very real. It effects people who come back. Who have seen the cold harsh reality of War. Of the aftermath of that cool looking explosion. Of the body parts strewn all over the place. And it's not always the "Bad Guy" either. Sometimes it's women, and children who get caught up in the cross fire. At the end of the day when people are killed other lives are ruined. The spreading of the human effect on families and friends doesn't just happen on the "good guys" side. And I think ultimately, some people end up realizing that. I wish we could all get along. I wish that we didn't have a military industrial complex pushing an agenda to make trillions of dollars on the backs of fake wars. Wars under false pretense. Under lies. Sending people out there at the stroke of a pen. Ruining families on both sides. And at the top, people reaping the rewards without a care in the world. At the end of the day we are ALL equal. We all struggle. We all fight. And we all have families. You ever see one of those videos they post up about someone in the military surprising their kid at school? See the look on that kids face when they realize their father is there? They break down. They cry. There is a shock. A relief. That kid gets to see their parent. Gets to see "Daddy." Just keep in mind that those "Bad Guys" -- They have kids too. They have families. Uncles. Aunts. Fathers and mothers. And when they get blown away in some struggle, however sold to them. Be it for the virgins, or for freedom. Or for religion. When that parent doesn't come home that day... you think about the way that must effect those kids. The kids who have nothing to do with it. Who just want to see "Daddy" or mommy. That's the kind of thing that ruins people on both sides of the struggle. Mentally destroys you.So when you guys go and play your Halo. Play Call of Duty. Or whatever the latest war sim is these days. Keep that in mind. Glorifying this Hero stuff just keeps this whole thing going. There's going to be another war out there some day. Maybe one day it'll involve you. Or your kid. Think about that. Maybe when we can stop and THINK about the human toll and how we are all one. Maybe then we'll be able to reach our enlightenment.!
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Posted: 10 12 2009 Post subject: meryl streep wrestling |
Wow... That may be worse than nickleback videos.?
Sounds more like allegations from a disgruntled high-ranking scientologist who is just pissed he got passed over for promotion or didn't get his cut of the 3 grand training CDs. |
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Posted: 10 11 2009 Post subject: mena suvari cleavage |
Sounds like one of The Sun's headlines....

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Posted: 10 10 2009 Post subject: melissa rycroft twitter |
nor do I... wtf?
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Posted: 09 12 2009 Post subject: megan hauserman nude |
I think you misunderstood my question. When I look up at the sky, I don't perceive the stars as moving, because they are "moving" far too slowly (as in, their position in the sky is changing too slowly). On the other hand, I perceive shooting stars as moving very vast (as in, their position in the sky is changing quickly). This video was sped up enough to make the normally stationary-seeming stars move, but the observed speed of the shooting stars seems not to have changed.
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Posted: 09 09 2009 Post subject: meryl streep wrestling |
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I was more in absolute awe at the character of The Boss and the sacrifice she made. |
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