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Posted: 10 17 2009 Post subject: michael douglas and sharon stone |
Interestingly this is a very old problem. Mecca was a major outbreak center for plague in the 14th century for precisely this reason. |
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Posted: 10 16 2009 Post subject: michael douglas son arrested |
Site's running extremely slow. Mirror: http://rorr.im/
I don't know if this is sad but I've actually learned more real obscure history from Cracked in a more entertaining fashion than from any other history class or book EVER. We should put Cracked in charge of our nations' school textbooks and perhaps people could understand a Cracked perspective on calculus.
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Posted: 10 15 2009 Post subject: michael douglas basic instinct |
“"unless if youre trying to convert video,"a 70 dollar vid card can do that in a 10th the time the i7 does it.and how often do you use your pc to unrar large amounts of stuff (and not have the hdd be a bottleneck) or calculate in excel. its very rare to have to wait that last one.
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Posted: 10 14 2009 Post subject: Online casinos free play |
I'm not saying it's not ***** what Infinity ward did to the PC version, I'm just saying: Oh well."Who said I'll be missing out?All we said was we weren't going to buy the game..."In response to this I present to you: The PC version of Modern Warfare II. The exact reason they're slapping their dicks all over the game is because of people like you who steal. They have to redirect customers to consoles so they can actually make money they deserve for creating a piece of entertainment. (Well the price tag is questionable, but that's another story) If your response to a product you don't like or didn't meet your standards is "Well i'll just steal it then." You're just giving greater excuses to developing companies to move the market away from PC games altogether. When they present the stats of a 300,000 copies of the PC version stolen and only 10,000 console versions, how do you think they'll react. I mean really, my good sir..
So how would this be a tv series in 2013 when the worlds gonna end in 2012?!
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Posted: 10 12 2009 Post subject: michael douglas basic instinct |
Sponsored by Dragon Age: Origins?
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Posted: 10 11 2009 Post subject: megan fox lesbian sex |
I think it's unfair to classify all Muslims in this case. Even in the video, they had it demonstrated as a debate. This is what a society needs to better itself is a fair open conversation where even those with ugly opinions have the opportunity to reveal themselves.Quite frankly, I think we need to do that more in the U.S. There are people out there with abhorrent beliefs and practices, but they're able to cover it up under the guise of being "politically correct". I'd rather someone be open, honest, and bring what they do into the light of day then have them keep what they're doing and have no one talk about it.

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Posted: 10 10 2009 Post subject: melissa rycroft father name |
Yeah..prirog...TAHT ***** again. Let's give you some facts. Actual FACTS, shall we?Fox promoted the ***** out of this show before it aired. In the months leading up to its debut, you couldn't go morethan 2 commercial breaks without seeing a promo for it. And during the 2003 playoffs, you couldn't go more an 2 innings without seeing the home plate ad for it. (It was pretty much that and 24 the whole game) And at least twice a game Joe Buck or Tim McCarver hyped the show.It then aired to like 6 million viewers. It had a nice time slot. It STAYED at that time slot for most o the first season. Yet even with all the hype and a steady time slot, it went from 6 million viewers in week one to about 4 million viewers by mid-season. It lost a THIRD of its audience despite huge promotion and a steady time slot. (But wait...you claim that everyone who watches gets hooked.,)At this point EVERY other network would have cancelled the show. But Fox did not. After just six epsidoes of failing ratings, Fox gave it hte greenlight for a full season. And it tried EVERYTHING to get move viewers. It ran mini-marathons on Fox, and ran all day marathons featuring the entire series to that point on FX. It even gave it the best time slot on TV for a special episode. Right after American Idol. And before you embarrass yourself by talking about how American Idol is for girls...just know that American Idol has far more young males watching that Arrested Development EVER did. Therefore, while the demographics did not match up well, it DID give them a lot more viewers that might like hte show. nfortuantely, none did.Then, even after a terrible first season ratings wise, Fox not only renewed it. but they gave it another GREAT time slot. Right behind the network's best scripted show, The Simpsons. And after a small bump in ratings at the start of hte second season, it again went downhill. By the middle of the season season, its audiece was down almost 50% from series premier. (Again..for a show that EVERYONE loves when they watch it supposedly...that is strange.)The FACT is that Fox only stated moving the show around after any and every other network would have pulled hte plug. They simply were NOT going to waste a valkuable time slot on a show that was never going to draw more than 4 million viewers. It would monumentally ***** stupid (which is hwy you think they should have done it) to do so.By season 3, it shouldn't have been on the air in the firstplace. There is NO WAY you can be an Arrested Development fan and think that those four craptastic episodes with Charlize Theoron were worthy of the name Arrested Development. The hsow had becme nothing but a series of "wink wink" i njokes. How the ***** did the writers think hat new fans were going to enjoy a show when they didn't understnad 90% of the jokes because you had to see previous episodes to laugh? Sorry, but watching George Michael as hte Star Wars kid was funny ONCE. Not 6 times.But don't letthe facts get in the way. Just keep telling you that Fox (the ONLY netowkr that didn't pass on the show, by the way) is evil for giving you 55 episodes off the show, rather than ZERO. OR rahter than 12 which is what hte ratings really would have warranted.Keep telling yourself that hte time slot hurt them, hoping that no one calls you on your ***** lie since hte show was kept very steady for an entire season and dropped every ***** week.Keep telling yourself that your opinion is a fact. Keep tellingyourself that you are SMARTER than other who didn't like the show. Keep telling yourself that the show was filled with "Intelligent Humor" as if "I just blue myself" ISN'T the lowest form of low-brow humor.I GURANTEE you I was a bigger fan of the show in season 1 and was looking forard to it LNGbefore you even heard of the show. The thing is, I have common sense and logic and undersntad why the show failed and that it had nothing to do with time slots or promotion.Now...when you go and bury me like the weak minded little bitch that you are, actually REFUTE what I said. Here are the main points:1. HUGE promotional push during World Series...hwhich had the exact demographics that the show was looking for2. Failed ratings from week 2.3. Steady time slot for most of the first season.4. Promotional push mid season with FX marathons and mini-marahtons on Fox as awell as post American Idol time slot forhte Julia Louis Dreyfus episode. (Maybe if the producers realized how much Julia pretty rmuch RUINED every ***** scene she was in on Seinfeld with her horrible overacting they wouldn't have chosen this episode to be their showcase.)5. Renewing the show for a second season when every other network canceled shows with far better ratingsand potential.6. Good time slot for the start of season 2.7. third season renewal despite two seasons of continuously diminishing ratings and losing MILLIONS of dollars per year.8. 55 episodes paid for despite the fact that shows that lost far less money get cancelled after 22 episodes.You want to blame people for no Arrested Development season 4? Blame the cast and crew of Arrested Devleopment. They could have stayed on the air either on the WB or Showtime. But they would have had to take a paycut. And it sure as ***** is reasonable for an employer to asked employees to take a pay cut when the employee is LOSING money for the company. Hurwitz refused to producehte show for any cheaper. As a stockholder in Fox at the time, I would have been pissed if they kept a show on the air that was losing millions of dollars and had no hope of turning things around.
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Posted: 09 12 2009 Post subject: mena suvari naked |
Exactly. Pay particular attention to what happened in this district, and ask yourself why the GOP had to choose between ideological purity and electability. I think that's a fascinating question, and one that conservatives really need to do some deep soul-searching about.The answer, of course, is that the far-right ideology is becoming increasingly abhorrent to the electorate, but the GOP doesn't seem to want to accept that for some reason. They continue to try to move farther to the right, even though they've lost with that approach every time. I know it irks you to hear it, but they'd better prepare to move toward the center if they want to continue to be relevant in national politics.Even Fox News gets it -- they've been making some big moves to attract the libertarian crowd in the last few months.
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Glyn trigg
Posted: 09 09 2009 Post subject: michael douglas basic instinct |
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Alcohol was a factor? I dunno, sounds like the work of PCP to me. Not saying he wasn't drunk but I think you'd have to be at 100% BAC to get that stupid. |
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