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michael douglas biography
michael douglas biography -> megan fox having lesbian sex |
Posted: 10 17 2009 Post subject: pics of megan fox |
That's like saying not digging a story is a passive way of burying it. |
transformers 2 the movie megan fox :: melanie brown thoroughbred |
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Posted: 10 16 2009 Post subject: celeb oops pictures megan fox |
Gold is a fiat currency. Its just heavier and more impractical than most. Buying into it does nothing to benefit society. Its essentially cashing out and going home.If you're worried about your money, invest in a few infrastructure companies that aren't going to go anywhere anytime soon, and buy some good land. After all, if things get to the point where there's no government to back the currency, you can't eat gold, and bottlecaps make a much better unit of exchange.
We haven't seen unemployment like this since the third year of Saint Ronnie!
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Posted: 10 15 2009 Post subject: michael douglas biography |
“Sounds great, but hit me up when these guys have figured out how to alter a virus for anti-aging, super strength, night vision awesomeness.
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Posted: 10 14 2009 Post subject: Online casinos free play |
I agree. The SEC refs have been the worst refs of any conference this season..
That's what SHE said!!
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Posted: 10 12 2009 Post subject: michael douglas biography |
^^ wow now that is impressive.?
25% of the 1% market share you got isn't much. |
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Posted: 10 11 2009 Post subject: movie with alec baldwin and meryl streep |
Re: "The review goes a bit further and points out that, to account for all the possible issues, a fully relativistic MOND hypothesis must be derived—for MOND, or any new theory of gravity, to be taken seriously it must contain, as a subset, Einstein's theory of general relativity."And this is precisely where they consistently go wrong. If you're going to go out of your way to consider MOND, then why constrain your investigation to MOND theories which only support Relativity? Why do they not also revisit the Dayton Miller experiment that generated a non-null result for an aether drift? Given the precision of electronics today, it would make a lot of sense to try to replicate Miller's experiment with a non-hostile, open mind. The simple explanation for why this is not being done pertains to the continuing heresy associated with questioning strongly entrenched, long-held, established views pertaining to Einstein. Some physics textbooks go so far as to claim that people who believe in Dayton Miller's aether experiments are quacks, even as quantum physicists publish press releases explaining that they can light a light bulb with "energy from the vacuum". The arguments supposedly disqualifying the aether were in fact incredibly weak. Even Einstein himself held out for a replication of Miller's aether drag experiment. But ultimately, Einstein's followers would decide not to follow up on that successful experiment, instead declaring that the aether was dead in a research review paper. Nowadays, Einstein's followers eagerly ridicule the notion of a unified field theory (like an Electrically Modified Newtonian Dynamics, aka EMOND). They fail to acknowledge that Einstein himself came up with the idea. The history of science is not always a straight, narrow, forged path lacking erroneous diversions.It's really too bad that the physics establishment does not take a hard, introspective look at itself. Many great ideas are being disqualified from funding purely because of their potential for disproving the prior work of established physicists. It won't be until physicists learn to be more honest with themselves that the answers to the hardest questions mankind has ever asked will reveal themselves. Peer review is really nothing more than a group of men. It is not impervious to mistake -- even, in some instances, dramatic mistakes that have persisted for a hundred years. The history of science records many similar mistakes. Just because we have cellphones and computers now does not mean that we are now impervious to similar errors.

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Posted: 10 10 2009 Post subject: michael j fox tv shows |
Since this seems to be the bitching about digg section for today...Does anyone else get a solid 5-7 second "hang" from the time you click a link on digg until it actually start loading the page you clicked on? Clicking between categories is turning into a nightmare.It started about a week ago. I'm wondering if it has something to do with all the ads.
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Posted: 09 12 2009 Post subject: megan fox lesbian kissing video |
I bought one yesterday and it has been a big dissapointment. It has yet to survive an hour without locking up or crashing. If the device does not crash, the browser does.I'm hoping that this is just a bad device and these problems are not characteristic of the phone in general. I will exchange it today and give it another chance, otherwise I'm switching to something else.When the device is working, it is okay. It's main flaws are:1. Lackluster keyboard. The cliq is much better (but on T-Mobile's crappy network)2. The unlock button is in the worst possible place, so that single-handed operation (even just to read a text or answer the phone) is nearly impossible. 3. The battery drains quickly. It has been plugged in and charging most of the time I've had it. If I keep it, I will either never leave the house or I will need a backup battery.Again, I'm going to give it another shot, but I fear this may not be the droid I'm looking for.
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Posted: 09 09 2009 Post subject: michael douglas biography |
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So you'd be fine with government-provided insurance, as long as it was as the state level? Sure, I could live with that. Sadly, that's not what's being offered here, so we'll have to make do. |
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