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Posted: 10 16 2009 Post subject: megan hauserman sex tape |
Save a rabbit, throw a baby.
Thank God the stimulus was passed. Obama promised the unemployment rate wouldn't go above... Oh...
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Posted: 10 15 2009 Post subject: the game michael douglas |
“Sponsored by Best Buy
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Posted: 10 14 2009 Post subject: Online casinos free play |
"So the free market will regulate itself? So the "invisible hand" will inherently guide business and corporations to do the right thing out of the kindness of their hearts?" -- No. The idea behind the free market is that, by acting in their own self-interests, businesses must also act in the interests of the consumers. Free market proponents believes that individuals are guided out of self-interest, not "the kindness of their hearts," and if you thought otherwise, then you don't understand the model you presume to criticize.The "invisible hand" of the market is guiding Walmart pretty strongly, in fact. In this case, Walmart is responding to pressure from consumers to keep prices as low as possible, which manifests itself in draconian policies toward its own employees. If consumers refused to shop at Walmart until working conditions were ameliorated (even if this meant higher prices) do you really think Walmart would refuse to change its policies?If Walmart's executives are treating their own employees unethically or illegally, then they should be punished. But if you're looking to find the underlying cause of the problem, you need look no further than the millions of consumers who pour billions of dollars into Walmart's coffers. The free market which you so malign is only a reflection of those consumers' desires and values: if consumers insist upon high-minded ethics from the businesses whose custom they frequent, then businesses will be pressured to respond accordingly; if consumers insist upon low prices at any cost, then expect businesses to cut ethical and legal corners.Not even the staunchest free market proponent would insist that the free market model is free from defects, because like any economic model, it is subject to the flaws of human nature. But this is true of a centralized economic model as well; there is nothing inherently special in the idea of government regulatory control which makes it immune from the twin human diseases of greed and apathy toward our fellow human beings..
But why didn't Bilbo just kill the Smaug =[!
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Posted: 10 12 2009 Post subject: the game michael douglas |
Glad to see a Lebowski quote was the first reply.?
Determining the size of a population is actually one of the more difficult things to do from a statistical perspective. Care must be taken to insure the quality of the data. The primary goal of the census is to count the number of people living in the country. No other questions should interfere in that enumeration and hence bias the count (downward). So even though I generally agree that Washington is messed up, in this case they got it right. |
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Posted: 10 11 2009 Post subject: megan fox almost naked pics |
I was looking for this, thanks! Dugg!

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Posted: 10 10 2009 Post subject: erotic pictures of megan fox |
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Posted: 09 12 2009 Post subject: melanie griffith milk money pictures |
Dugg because your comment is funny, and also because the people who it is pointedly aimed at, won't even realise that it is a joke. (They would just think that it is a stupid comment).
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Posted: 09 09 2009 Post subject: the game michael douglas |
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God I am sick of event after event after event. Sadly everything thing that happed in marvel for the last 5 years, already led up to two events, I would prefur it not lead to yet another. Character development has ceased, the world is a series of OMG moments, to the point that no event can seem important by contrast.Avengers Dissembled -> House of M -> All the mutants being depowerd (198) -> Endangered species ->Civil War -> Illiminaty crap -> World War Hulk -> More Illiminaty crap -> Secret Invasion -> Dark Reign ->? . STOP, just write comics. The writers had their own development they were writing, all those plot threads are dying, for the world events. Just stop. |
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