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Posted: 10 17 2009 Post subject: michael douglas basic instinct |
I really hope AMD make a comeback.running AMD Athlon 64 4000+ San Diego Core. |
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Posted: 10 16 2009 Post subject: gq megan fox |
I'm not saying it's not ***** what Infinity ward did to the PC version, I'm just saying: Oh well."Who said I'll be missing out?All we said was we weren't going to buy the game..."In response to this I present to you: The PC version of Modern Warfare II. The exact reason they're slapping their dicks all over the game is because of people like you who steal. They have to redirect customers to consoles so they can actually make money they deserve for creating a piece of entertainment. (Well the price tag is questionable, but that's another story) If your response to a product you don't like or didn't meet your standards is "Well i'll just steal it then." You're just giving greater excuses to developing companies to move the market away from PC games altogether. When they present the stats of a 300,000 copies of the PC version stolen and only 10,000 console versions, how do you think they'll react. I mean really, my good sir.
I'd be thunderstruck if this happened to me.
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Posted: 10 15 2009 Post subject: cameltoe megan fox |
“The 'Prestige Edition' should be renamed "I'm a Huge Loser and Want to Spend Extra Money to Prove It" Edition.
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Posted: 10 14 2009 Post subject: Online casinos free play |
WTF? Mark Wahlberg?.
I read it like Horatio Caine."It looks like the victim... *gets glasses* ...got into... *puts on glasses* ...a sticky situation."YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
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Prajjwal Baral
Posted: 10 12 2009 Post subject: cameltoe megan fox |
Are you trying to give us a secret-coded message with the random-capitalized letters?THISVEDSHOU? What does that mean??
You mean all causes have effects and no one can predict them all? Well I'll be! |
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Posted: 10 11 2009 Post subject: mena suvari in american beauty |
does it really matter? once you're married, she will never blow you again.

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Posted: 10 10 2009 Post subject: xxx videos of megan fox |
"First of all, I don't care about road accident statistics in the USA, because I don't live in the USA. The world does not end with you."This is an American site with a predominately American user base, you complete ignoramus. Besides, you know that the statistics would be similar in whatever insignificant country you're from. (That was a joke)"Secondly, you ***** RETARD, those are ACCIDENTS that do not happen unless people follow their drinking with irresponsible behavior."Does calling me names in capital letters make you feel better? I hope so, because it sure doesn't make you sound any more credible. Your argument would be valid if it weren't for one thing: irresponsible behavior is a direct effect of alcohol consumption. That's right, Alcohol is a GABAa agonist, and therefore behavioral disinhibition is an inevitable result of alcohol intoxication, so by consuming alcohol you're putting anyone who's around you at risk. The statistics document this well."When you smoke, you are hurting anybody around you NO MATTER WHAT, as a GIVEN."First, please provide me with some conclusive evidence that second-hand Marijuana smoke is harmful. Second, I don't smoke marijuana, I vaporize it, and therefore put nobody, including myself, at risk of anything. Third, even if I did smoke it, I wouldn't smoke it in the presence of people who didn't want to also partake in the activity. You deny that drunk driving should be taken into consideration in the case of alcohol because it includes poor decision making, so then why should the poor decision making involved in smoking around other people be considered an inherent aspect of marijuana usage?I suggest you stay at home next time, I don't want to have to embarrass you again.
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Posted: 09 12 2009 Post subject: doubt movie meryl streep |
"The article, according to McDonnell, was about a girl who filed a police report saying she had been drugged at a Phi Kappa Psi party and thought she may have been raped while she was blacked out."Translation: I drank myself stupid and don't remember what happened, but may have hooked up with a guy and now I regret my actions. IF she was truly comatose and someone diddled her, sure that's wrong. If it's just a case of drunk sex as most of these "college rapes" turn out to be, she's no less responsible for her actions than a drunk driver.
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Posted: 09 09 2009 Post subject: cameltoe megan fox |
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Some of those congressmen didn't vote against the health care reform, some of them voted against it because the bill was just watered down health care reform. I know that Dennis Kucinich believes so much in a single payer system that he couldn't vote for what was presented to him.By no stretch of the imagination can you call Kucinich a foe of health care reform. |
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